
System Design

ChatGPT feature

To do list

Choosing API host

Pages and content


update 1.1 - Headless CMS & other additions


Now I see this app as combination of TicketMaster and Trello.

Why use it?

This app allows you to combine tools like Google Maps, forums, Trello (tracking tasks), blogs, search and filter into 1 singular app.

⚙️ Features:

  1. Search for different type of activities
  2. Adding activities to your favorite list (probably saving into local storage for the ease of implementation)
  3. Managing list of selected activities (using drag & drop)
  4. Mb exporting to some format? (either converting JSON to PDF “jsPDF”; or printing page on button click)

🖥️ Tech stack:

Next/react - frontend

Pocketbase - backend (for fetching data)

Tailwind - styling

Vercel - deployment

Heroku - fetching data from API